My Essential Camera Gear as a Full-Time Travel Content Creator

As a full-time travel content creator, my camera gear is my lifeline. Over the years, I've experimented with different cameras and lenses, and I've finally found a setup that works perfectly for me.

In this blog post, I'm going to share my essential camera gear and explain why I love each piece. I hope this helps you choose the right equipment for your own travel photography adventures!

Camera Body:

I really recommend the Sony a7IV as a main camera body. It's a full-frame mirrorless camera with a 61-megapixel sensor, which is amazing for capturing high-resolution photos and videos. It also has excellent low-light performance, which is essential for shooting at night.

I love the a7R IV's image quality, autofocus system, and overall versatility. It's a great all-around camera that can handle any shooting situation.

A more budget friendly option as a camera body would be the Sony a7iii, which I still currently use as my back up and second shooting camera. 


This is my go-to lens for everyday travel photography. It has a versatile zoom range that covers most of my needs, from wide-angle landscapes to portrait shots. The f/2.8 aperture lets in plenty of light, which is great for low-light situations and creates shallow depth of field.

This telephoto lens is perfect for zooming in on faraway subjects, such as wildlife or landmarks. This is a budget friendly entry into telephoto shooting, I have really enjoyed getting creative with it. 


  • Tripod: A tripod is essential as a full time solo traveler, I entrust my beloved camera gear with a carbon fiber tripod

  • Spare batteries: It's important to have extra batteries on hand, especially when traveling to remote locations where you may not have access to power outlets. And don’t use an off brand - they can fry your camera 

  • Memory cards: I use high-speed memory cards to ensure that I can capture fast-action shots and burst sequences. I’ve found 128gb cards are the perfect size for me in between back ups 

  • External Hard Drive: An absolute essential is a good external harddrive. After growing through many brands, I have found the SAMSUNG T9 Portable SSD to be the most reliable, and remember - always have back ups to back ups to back ups!

  • Camera cage: I use this camera cage for extra protection but also mounting points for extra accessories. 


  • DJI Mini 4 Pro: I recently upgraded to the DJI mini 4 pro drone, it is lightweight, versatile, films in 4K/60fps, records vertically and horizontally and has an incredible battery life. Lots of value for the price as well. 


  • Sony Alpha ZV-E10: For vlogging on youtube I use this vlogging camera from Sony - excellent video quality with 4K resolution. It also has features specifically designed for vloggers, like easy focus transitions between faces and objects and a button to quickly add or remove background blur.


  • Rode VideoMic GO II: this is my go to wireless mic, it is lightweight, easy to use, and records amazing audio.

  • RØDE Wireless Go II Dual Channel Wireless System: For specific projects I like to use these wireless mics, Rode products are timeless and quality, these mics have over 40 hours of on-board recording function which is super practical. 

This is just a basic overview of my camera gear. The best equipment for you will depend on your individual needs and budget. However, I hope this post has given you a starting point for your own travel photography journey.

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and capture the memories of your travels!

Additional Tips:

  • Get insurance for all your gear! I ensure my gear through PPA - which has already paid for itself after I broke my camera and lens earlier this summer. Highly recommend! 

  • For editing, I use premiere pro and lightroom classic. 

  • I don’t film everything with professional gear, I have many viral videos and quality videos that were filmed on my Iphone and tripod

  • Get creative with your own style and think outside the lines! 

I hope you enjoyed this blog post! If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a DM on instagram!


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